Electronic Banking
For best viewing our website, please access through Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge . Islamic Export Refinance is a unique Shariah compliant product provided to exporters to meet their special requirements in a completely Shariah compliant manner. Murabaha is a sale of goods/commodities to a customer on a deferred price basis. In Murabaha, Al Baraka purchases a raw material/commodity on behalf of a customer and subsequently sells it to him on agreed cost and profit basis. Both cost and profit are disclosed and agreed with the customer at the time of sale of goods. AN analyzed and interpreted all the data, and was a major contributor in writing the manuscript. Data Analysis Method We selected an Iranian context because Iran is a developing country, and as Chen and Puttitanun asserted, people in developing countries may differ in using and welcoming innovative banking services. There are several banks in Iran, and experts at the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of IranFo...